
Finchampstead Road


Finchampstead Road

These proposals would introduce two parallel cycle routes from Finchampstead and Wokingham. The first route would run along Finchampstead Road and comprises mainly of upgraded shared use pedestrian and cycle paths. These upgrades include widening where possible, clearing of vegetation, resurfacing where necessary, giving the path priority over side roads and keeping the path level over driveways and entrances. Where there is space, it may be possible to introduce segregated cycle paths for some of the route.

The alternative route runs parallel to Finchampstead Road, and would include lower speed limits, traffic calming measures, off-road cycle paths and a new cycle bridge over the railway.

Larger junctions would be redesigned to separate cycles from turning traffic using traffic lights or roundabouts with a segregated cycle track. Pedestrian crossings at these junctions will also be simplified where possible, with wait times reduced. At smaller junctions the kerb would be built-out to reduce crossing distances and slow turning vehicles.

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